Change the World with Paint.

Paintpam inc , a company that'innovates' the world with special paints.

With Paintpam's differentiated solution, design a space without restrictions on space and size such as glass, wall, and floor.

Education Space System [Digital AI Classroom]

Establishment of digital AI classroom system

Apply screen paint to see clear images even in bright environments.

Touch screen board, floor interaction, wall touch, magnetic wall surface, analog writing board, HMD FREE immersive VR zone

Paintpam inc,  differentiated digital classroom building system

SPG [S-paint for Glass]

Rear Projection Screen Paint

It can be applied to transparent substrates, such as glass, acrylic surfaces, etc. The product is a rear projection screen paint product that is suitable for outdoor advertising, events, and exhibitions.

SPG is a rear-projection screen paint that can be used on glass, acrylic and other transparent surfaces. After applying the screen paint to the interior side of a transparent substrate, project an image from a beam projector to a painted side, you can see a clear image on the exterior side.

A painted layer is easy to make because there are no limitations in size, shape and curvature and to remove when not needed. Due to its fast painting and removal, the products are easy to use. 

It can be used in various fields, including outdoor advertisement through window glass, short-term events, and fairs. We have launched SPG1 [DIY] and SPG3 [PRO] products. We offer various lineups that customers need.

SPW [ S-paint for Wall]

Front Screen Paint

It can be applied to various substrates, such as walls and structures made of wood or cement, etc. The product is a reflective screen paint product that is suitable for home theaters, exhibitions, and interior decoration of cafes. 

This is a screen paint (SPW) for walls that is a water-soluble coating agent, used as screen. It is applicable to various substrates, including walls and structures made of wood or cement. It has excellent reflectivity without dazzling light, and produces a luxurious interior decoration effect. The lineup also includes: DIY [SPW1], which can be used for internal and external decoration, which can be applied with rollers, and PRO[SPW3], which is a spray-type product. 

As there is no restriction of shape and size, it can be applied to any space, such as wide surface and curved surface.

It is used for interior decoration of a cafe or walls of an exhibition hall. Without using any printed materials or decorations, you can easily decorate a wall.   

You can create a new space by replacing videos or photos. It can be applied to a place that will be used as media facade and the exhibition of art works.

SPF [ S-paint for Floor]

Floor Screen Paint

It can be applied to various substrates, such as floor surface made of wood or cement marble, etc. The product is a screen paint that is suitable for floor advertising, exhibitions, exhibition halls, etc.

This is a screen paint (SPF) for floors that is a two-component hybrid water-soluble coating agent, used as screen. Compared with traditional media for outdoor advertising, it is more effective in catching the eyes of people. It is a solution for those who want to effectively draw attention at the entrance of their stores. 

It is applicable to various substrates, including floor surface and structures made of wood or cement. It has excellent reflectivity without dazzling light, and produces a luxurious interior decoration effect. 

It has enough strength to be used on the floor, and has excellent water resistance and stain resistance.

MPC [M-paint Clear]

Memo Paint

This is transparent paint that enables a user to take a note, applicable to anywhere. You can write with board markers on surface where this memo paint product is painted. 

M-paintClear is a two-component water-soluble paint that is composed of main agent and hardener.

It has excellent water resistance and stain resistance.

It is a paint product that enables easy erosion of board markers. As it is transparent coating, it does not interfere with interior decoration. You can paint without any restrictions in space or shape, so you can make children's sketch book wherever you want by applying the paint anywhere.

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대표이사 :  김학정,방글이 / 사업자등록번호 : 563-88-00208

본 사 :  대전광역시 유성구 유성대로 1646, 한남대학교 대덕밸리캠퍼스, 신기술창업생산직접시설 4동1층

Hannam University, Daedeok Valley Campus, Bldg 4, 1st Floor 1646, Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

TEL : +82-42-381-3339 / FAX : +82-42-367-3339 / Mail :

호스팅제공자 : (주)아임웹



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